This is my handpicked collection of resources, tools, useless things, and inspirations that fuel my love for all things tech, development and random fields. From games, performance optimizations to courses and more, you’ll find a bit of everything here. It’s a mix of things I find fascinating or funny, things that keep me learning, and things that just make coding more fun.
Game Developement
Web Developement
- BigOCheat
- Parallel Sorting
- Data Oriented Design
- Transfonter Optimize fonts Optimize fonts
Code checker
- Gentle Introduction to LLVM IR Good course & website inspiration
- CS50
Good Youtubers
- HortyUnderscore Goaty
- Tsoding Funny and covering a lot of topics
- Acerola Graphics
- samyam
- Fireship
- Freya Holmér
- LaurieWired Back engineering
- Retro Game Mechanics Explained
- Sebastian Lague
- Kaze Emanuar Optimizations
- Ionic1k
- DreamBerd Sus
- BongoCat Most useful vsc extension
- Clay
- Cosmopolitan
- Zen Browser
- Daxa